Thursday, July 14, 2011

My recovery and a sculpting tip for you!

I am still using a cane and brace when I out in public, but I am slowly making progress. I have walked at the Mall of Orange, which is a small mall near our house. A large mall would overwhelm me at this point. I walked through Target today. It feels so good to get out and about. I feel like I am part of the world again! I started aquatic therapy last week. I felt like I weighed a ton when I got out of the pool! It was a strange experience. I have a great therapist who reminds me that I didn't have just one or two fusions, but 8! He said that is "major major" surgery. So, I can't expect to bounce back too quickly. In fact, he said it could take up to a year. I am normally on the go a lot, so I have had to learn patience. I will no longer have mobility in my waist, however the therapist said that a minimal amount will come back, eventually. That's a fair trade-off for being able to walk without that, unbearable pain going down my left leg. I will be able to live a productive and good life with a couple of adjustments.

Since I can't sit long enough to sculpt right now, I thought I would leave you some sculpting tips as I think of them.

For my dolls, which are usually about 4 inches long, I use the eye a large tapestry needle to imprint the fingernails and toenails. You can buy the needles in several sizes to fit the proportions of your doll.

1 comment:

Dawn in the Forest said...

Glad to hear your getting about better:) Thanks for the the tip...that's a great idea! Hope you have a lovely day.