Thursday, September 6, 2007

September thoughts

Laurel did not fare so well, but that's ok. Other artists have been commiserating with each other about Ebay being so slow. I knew it would be risky to list in early Sept. when kids are going back to school. The winner is a loyal bidder and I am sure she will love her! She will be living in Miami, Florida.

So, I will move on. Tomorrow, I will start on a new sculpt. I don't know what it will be, but I am thinking baby or toddler since I am better known for those. She will probably be sleeping in a fall flower. There isn't much sign of fall here in Southern California, but the days are getting shorter and the smell of my homemade spaghetti sauce simmering on my stove is making me have that "fall feeling."

I just might photograph my work as I go along tomorrow (WIP, or "work in progress"). This is not an easy feat since everytime I pick up the camera, I am contaminating my hands and have to clean them before I touch the clay again. Polymer clay is like a magnet for any debris on your hands or in the air.

Please keep watch for a new sculpt!

Sue Anne

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