Tuesday, December 4, 2012

3 miniature shabby kittens!

I don't know about you, but I am always on the lookout for unique stocking stuffers.  I decided to offer my collectors some of my simple, primitive style pieces to put in their loved ones stockings or for giving to friends!

My first offering is set of cute miniature kittens in three different poses.  They are shabby chic and each has a ribbon and brass bell around her neck. I named them Snowball, Crystal, and Frost.  They would be a One of A Kind (ooak) surprise for any cat collector or miniature collector!  You could even break up the set to give to 3 friends. I think they are cuter together, though. 

I started them at a very low $6 which only covers my supplies to make them, so they are a great deal!

Here is their auction link:


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