Saturday, May 29, 2010

a pause for thanks and gratitude to my surgeon

I had not mentioned this earlier, simply because it seemed a little too much after revealing that I have Parkisnon's, but out of my pure delight I have to tell you about my successful back surgery, thanks to my miracle worker, Dr. Mark Schnitzer.

I had been putting up with back pain for several years. I had cortisone injections, epidurals, and physical therapy. Nothing worked at all. Then, the pain started down my leg and got to the point where I was literally crippled. I could not even stand up to brush my teeth at night and sometimes had to crawl up the steps to go to bed. The pain radiated down my leg, with the most intense pain in my ankle. Thousands of needles felt like they attacked my leg when I stood up. Then, intense pain followed the needles and tingling.

Finally I saw a wonderful surgeon who ordered a second MRI. He figured out my problem. I had excess bone growing from arthritis in my back and it was compressing the nerve going down my left leg. He drilled holes in the bones to allow room for the nerve. I am a new woman! The minute I woke up from the 2 hour surgery, the pain was gone gone gone!!! Hallelujia! I can go to the grocery, cook again, vacuum ......all things that seem mundane, but I will never take them for granted again!

Even with Parkinson's, I feel I should wear my "Life is Good" shirt! We are having a second grandbaby due Dec. 26, and my husband is still in remission from stage 4 lympoma. Two of my sons just landed very good jobs. Life really is good!

I have a baby fairy sculpture almost finished and plan to give Ebay a try again, although it is a challenge in this economy. I'll let you know when it is listed.

Thanks for all the support from friends and family who knew about this earlier. Now,I will go back to the joy of sculpting and soldering here on my blog!

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