Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Paulina, goth art doll....tight rope performer!

This is Paulina, my new goth doll. She was once a tight rope performer.  You can read her sad story here:

I used a wonderful antique handkerchief to make the bodice of her dress. The umbrella, though very old and tattered looking, was quite challenging. I had to sculpt an opened umbrella and then collapse it to get it to look right.  I usually try to make at least one prop to go along with my doll and my story. 

Before you throw anything into the trash, ask yourself, "how can I use this in my work?"  Make art, not landfill!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I will be announcing a new goth doll listing this evening, but for now, I have these altered keys to show you.  I just listed them this afternoon.  As you can see, I am still repurposing things and loving every minute of it!  At least these keys won't be in a land fill for a while! 
Someone wrote and asked me if I solder or glue the embellishments on these pieces. I use glue! E6000 to be exact. It is the recommended glue on several jewelry sites.  I have used other glues, like Aleene's jewelry glue, but it's not as good as E6000. One time I accidently left a brooch on a top and it went through the washer and dryer. The pin that I had glued on with E6000 was still firmly attached when I found the brooch. 

I am starting them at a very low opening price of only $5.00. I think they are so neat and such great conversation pieces. I'm not repeating any of the designs, although some may be similar.

Thanks for popping in to look at them!